Cite Soleil Christian Elementary School
Cite Soleil, pronounced Sĭ-tā Sō-lā, iis a large seaside slum area of Port-au-Prince rife with drug trafficking, oppression, and gang warfare. Yet within this extreme poverty and despair, students find the Cite Soleil Christian Elementary School a safe haven secured behind a metal gate. In spite of the severe living conditions, the children attend school dressed in clean uniforms. They are grateful for the school lunch program that provides them with a hot nutritious meal every day. Once children complete eleventh grade, they go to the Delmas Christian Secondary School in downtown Port-au-Prince.
School Info
Official School Name: Institution Chrétien de Bois Neuf
Principal: Rosemond Germain
Assistant Principal: Jean Benel Ady
Total Students: 431
Number Sponsored: 304
Grades Taught: Preschool (K1-K3), Kindergarten –11th Grade
Number of Teachers: 9
School Hours: 7:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Facility: The school building, funded with grants from Hope for Haiti’s Children, is constructed of concrete block with a concrete roof and floor. It also serves as the meeting place of the Cite Soleil Church of Christ.
Current Needs – Cite Soleil
Build 12th & 13th Grade Classrooms – Add individual classrooms for grades 12th and 13th grade so that students can complete their education in their community. ($20,000 per classroom * 2 = $40,000)
Furnishings – The school needs 20 new benches with desktops, 2 new teacher desks, and 2 chalkboards for the two new classrooms ($200/bench, $250/teacher desk, $150/chalkboard)
Friday VBS & Summer Lunch Program – The school wants to host a weekly VBS on Fridays in the summer and feed the children a hot meal with a take-home bag of rice and beans every week ($32/child)